A short visit to New York

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A short visit to New York
Henry Holiday’s stained glass in New York.

In 2018 we were in New York for the day (!) and having made arrangements before we left home, we paid a visit to Episcopal Church of the Holy Trinity  at 316 East 88th St in Manhattan.  We went because Peter Cormack, writing in the catalogue of an exhibition of Holiday’s work held in 1989, quotes Holiday as saying that he regarded the crucifixion and ascension windows here as his finest glass.  What Peter didn’t say was that these were just two of a set of SEVENTEEN windows in the church all of which were designed by Holiday and installed between 1898 and 1929.  The last, the 5-light west window, was installed 2 years after Holiday’s death.  It is a visit well worth making if you have time to spare in the Big Apple.
North transept, Holy Trinity Church, New York.  The Ascension by Henry Holiday
North transept, Holy Trinity Church, New York. The Ascension by Henry Holiday. Not the best of our photographic efforts but not bad in the circumstances!
View the website at  www.holytrinity-nyc.org  and if you plan to visit contact

Erlinda Brent, Parish Secretary, ebrent@holytrinity-nyc.org
212-289-4100, ext 201 for access.
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